Devin Wright is an American Cartoonist.
He graduated with High Honors from the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, MI and still lives and works in the Great Lake State.
Photo Credit: Josh Rainer

Most of his work consists of hand-drawn ink illustrations with digital color in the traditional comic book illustration method.
Jack Kirby
John Cassaday
Alan Davis
Darwyn Cooke
Patrick Gleason
Tim Sale
Ed McGuinness
John Romita Jr.
Alex Raymond
Hal Foster
Frank Quitely
Gary Frank
Joe Kubert
John Buscema
David Finch
Doug Mahnke
Steve Rude
Jim Davis
Ethan Van Sciver
Art Adams
Ivan Reis
John Paul Leon
Denys Cowan
Chris Bachalo
Jim Steranko
Carlos Pacheco
Jim Lee
Eduardo Risso
John Romita Sr.
Jorge Zaffino
Cully Hamner
Brian Hitch
Mike Weiringo
Steve McNiven
Mike Sekowsky
Alex Toth
J.G. Jones
Ed Benes
Steve Epting
John Bogdanov
Ron Garney
Doc Shaner
Ron Frenz
George Perez
Jean Giraud
Butch Hartman
Travis Charest
Dave Stewart
Steve Leiber
Daniel Acuña
Jim Cheung
Steve Ditko
Bill Waterson
EH Shepard
Norman Rockwell
Iwao Takamoto
Brian Bolland
Dave Gibbons
Frank Frazetta
Mike Mignola
Gabriel Hardman
Andres Zorn
Mark Bagley
Mike Royer
Dexter Vines
Dale Keown
Dale Eaglesham
Jessie W. Smith
Adam Kubert
Andy Kubert
Bruce Timm
Kevin Maguire
Ten Hundred
Claud Monet
Mark Rothko
Gil Ashby
Richie Yang​
Francis Vallejo
Chuck Gillies
James Gurney
Eric Olson
Josh Rainer
And Many More